
General Information
Child's First Name *

Child's Last Name *


Child's Date of Birth *

Start Date for Care *
Attendance Days The minimum number of days that a child must attend the centre must be between 2 and 5 days per week. As per our policy these days must include either a Monday or a Friday.
Number of days required *

Must be a number between 2 and 5

Days required *  Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Are These Days Flexible? *

 Yes No
Parent 1 Details
First Name *

Last Name *


Address *

Phone (Home or Work) *

Phone (Mobile) *

Parent 1 Email *
Parent 2 Details
First Name *

Last Name *


Address *

Phone (Home or Work) *

Phone (Mobile) *

Parent 2 Email *

Priority of Access
Our Centre must abide by the Federal Government’s Priority of Access guidelines, which states that
priority must be given based on set criteria. Please specify which of the following relates to your
current family situation.

Please tick relevant information

 Two parent family Single parent family Working full-time Working part-time Seeking employment Home duties Studying Is the child at risk?

Do you or your child have any health problems or disabilities *

 Yes No

If yes above, please provide details

Max Character Limit:

Are there any other special circumstances *

 Yes No

If yes above, please provide details

Max Character Limit:

If you have any comments, please leave them below

Max Character Limit:

CONFIRMATION EMAIL - Enter an email address, a copy of this waitlist application to be emailed to this address.

Type the letters you see in the image below.
